Great Ways to Get Your Party Started

Get Party Started

A good night out means getting together with your buddies and having a drink and a laugh before you hit the clubs or go to a gig. Nothing wrong with that, it’s been the perfect format
for a good time for years. However, if you feel like a change or want to do something special because your best bud has a birthday, for instance, is there a way to spice things up a little
and add an extra element of excitement and diversion to your night out?

Planning something new

Randomly prowling the streets hoping to find a new club or a happening house party isn’t the best way of adding to the excitement of your night out. You could chance upon something worth doing, but you’re more likely to end up tired, fed-up and not having the best time. A much better plan is to check out what’s around near your location and make arrangements to get everyone there. Make sure you know what the group members want to do and whether they’re up for a new adventure before you book tickets or make travel arrangements though, or you could be wasting your cash.

Ideas for what to do

You could go with something fairly traditional like bowling, or get out on the driving range and see who can fire a golf ball the furthest distance. An element of competition always helps spice things up with a bunch of friends, and most activities will lend themselves to those of a competitive nature. Extreme sports are a fun and exhilarating experience which can really get your adrenaline pumping. You won’t need to travel far to find a resort or sports center that can cater for a group of newbies, and the choice of activities means there will be something you will all have fun doing. You could have a surf party at the beach, go scuba diving together or hire some mountain bikes and go for a drive around the forest. How about getting even more extreme and planning a skydive experience, or a bungee jump?

Paintballing and laser games are great for some high octane thrills, or if you like the challenge of a locked room mystery, how about trying to figure your way through an interactive adventure at Escape Room St Louis? Or have a go at something a bit left-field like zorbing, which you can do on land or water and can be one of the funniest things you’ll ever do.

Have fun but don’t be stupid

New sports and experiences are being developed all the time, so you’ll have plenty of choice, and there will be something to suit all kinds of group dynamics. Don’t risk spoiling your night by getting a buzz on before your experience, save that for later. And don’t ignore any safety precautions or you could be spending your evening in the emergency room rather than on the dance floor.

There’s no shortage of ways to let off steam before your night on the town, so see how creative you can be and find something different to do that will really get your party started!

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